Caithness FM

All communities have their own unique identity but we think ours is just a little bit special.



ON AIR: 6pm-7pm
SHOW: The Crooners
YOU’LL HEAR: Frank Sinatra, Johnny Mathis, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole and more


ON AIR: 7pm-9pm
SHOW: The Scottish Show
YOU’LL HEAR: Scottish bands and singers including local artists.

I was born in Lybster in 1948 – same year as Prince Charles so does that give me a bit of Royalty in my blood?

I started playing piano accordion when I was ten, then moved up to Thurso when I was 12 and started playing my father’s button accordion. I have stayed on button accordion up until now and I play in a band called Fusion.

Did my five-year apprenticeship at Johnston’s bakers when I left school aged 15. I worked a year at Dounreay but was not keen on that as we were shut in labs all day so went to work with Donnie Reid in Castletown bakery for a year. Then did two years with Scott’s Electricians during building of the Prototype Fast Reactor at Dounreay. In 1972 jumped the fence to Vulcan, Rolls Royce and spent my last 41 years there before retiring at 65, the first three as a sparky’s mate and the last 38 years on Security. I was also a shop steward and chairman of the safety reps on site for over 30 years

I joined the Caithness FM in 2007 doing a Scottish show on Monday nights.

A few year later I started on the All-Round Country Show on Sunday nights. I have my granddaughter Tash helping me out, and she covers for me when I have the rare night off. I play old country, Irish country and all the local artists. My Scottish show on Monday nights goes out from 7-9 also, playing all the Scottish bands and singers plus all the local artists. Both shows are usually made up with requests from the listeners.

These are the only two shows on the radio requiring a receptionist (Ruth) to man the phones.

I often get phone calls to the house before going to the studio as people say once show starts, they have a problem getting through as the phone is always engaged with other listeners phoning in (which is a good thing in a way).  Country and Scottish music is very very popular in this part of the country.

Got great many stories from my listeners as to where they get best reception, one lady in Orkney has to go out to the byre with the cows as she can’t get reception in house. Another lady and hubby from Latheron used to go up to first the layby on the road to the Causeymire to listen to show. I also do competitions on my shows with various different prizes.

I am the Chairman at Caithness FM and have been for the last few years. I do maintenance at the studio including building repairs and cutting grass.

I am a blue nose (Glasgow Rangers) and I also go to Wick with my mates Donnie Murray and Sandy Gordon every week when Academy (The Scorries) are playing.

I will eat anything, especially cheesecakes but please do not give me MUSHROOMS.

As well as Caithness FM I listen to radio 2.

I cover other shows when presenters are on holidays, love the 60s era and early 70s. I have too many favourite country songs to name individually. I have met so many of the great country singers through me doing the radio. One of the nicest (they are all nice) artist I met was Charlie Landsbourgh, a pure gentleman.

Thanks to the hundreds of listeners who tune into my shows.

Shane Ross

ON AIR: 9pm-11pm
SHOW: Shane’s Mix tape
YOU’LL HEAR: Music and chat

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