Caithness FM

All communities have their own unique identity but we think ours is just a little bit special.



ON AIR: 6pm-7pm
SHOW: Miller Time
YOU’LL HEAR: Michael’s selection of early evening music


ON AIR: 7pm-9pm
SHOW: Thank You for the Music
YOU’LL HEAR: The “What’s On” Diary, Community Profile and a mix of modern pop music.

Born in Lancashire and brought up in Northern Ireland, I have lived in Thurso since 1960.  I am married with two grown-up children and my wife Barbara is Treasurer for CFM.

I retired from Dounreay in 2012 where I worked as a design engineer and project manager.

As well as being a presenter at CFM I am also vice-chairman of the company.  I’ve been with the station since the first full-time transmissions in 1998 and been a presenter for most of the time since, initially running a Saturday pop/rock show called the ‘11th Hour’. Those early days were great fun, modifying the portacabins we were donated and things like roof maintenance.

I also do the Community Profile, a 15-minute interview slot with local charities and other items of community interest.

My musical interests span from classical to blues.

I am one of the small band of handymen and women who can be seen, usually on a Sunday, on the heights of Ormlie keeping the station maintained, a seemingly never-ending task.


I am a community activist, and when not broadcasting, help to run Thurso Youth Club and the Rotary Club of Thurso amongst other charities.

I enjoy family holidays, camping, hill-walking, gardening and cooking – and I play the guitar very badly.

Oh! and politics:  I was a Thurso councillor for 13 years between 1999 – 2007 and 2012 – 2017.


ON AIR: 9pm-11pm
SHOW: Seaside Rock
YOU’LL HEAR: Rock music Scotland’s north Coast.

Live from Caithness.

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